Peaceful Beginnings Midwifery
Serving the Greater St. Louis, MO area
Ultrasound - It is standard of care in the obstetrical community to perform an anatomy scan ultrasound around 20 weeks. We will discuss your options and preference and provide you with a referral if desired.
1st Trimester or the start of care
In addition to the blood testing listed in the handouts below, we also offer additional lab testing per request or as indicated by your health history such as, pregnancy related hormone levels, sexually transmitted infections (STI), thyroid testing, vitamin D levels, PAP tests, hemoglobin A1c, and testing for suspected urinary tract infections.
Jennifer Konkol, CPM
(618) 610-4777
Newborn Hearing Screening
Newborn Critical Congenital Heart Disease (CCHD) Screening
Making Informed Decisions
Throughout your care you will be asked to make decisions about the care and testing you and your baby receive.
I understand that this can be "a breath of fresh air" and empowering for some and overwhelming for others. No worries. I provide ample time for questions and discussions before asking you to make a decision.
Below you will find links and handouts with relevant information to each stage in your pregnancy.
Postpartum Information
New Client Forms and Agreements
Before your first appointment please review the below documents. Click on the buttons below to read documents.
A paper copy will be available for you at your appointment or you can print, fill them out and bring them to you appointment.
We also ask that you record three days of your food Intake. This can be recorded on paper and brought to an appointment, sent via your chart's messaging system or regular email.
Newborn Care: Informed Choice Information
Vitamin K (for blood clotting)
Antibiotic Eye Ointment
Fax (314) 470-7642
It's time to start thinking about gathering your supplies!
I recommend that you have all of your supplies for the birth gathered by 35-36 weeks.
3rd Trimester
Group B Strep (GBS) - Testing for GBS is typically done around 36 weeks. Before that time we discuss what the GBS bacteria is, the potential implications the presence of the bacteria can have on baby's health and how testing for the bacteria is done. If a you test positive for GBS more information will be provided to you regarding treatment choices.
2nd Trimester
Gestational Diabetes - Testing for gestational diabetes is typically done around 24-28 weeks. Before that time we will discuss your testing options based on your preferences and any factors that increase you risk of developing gestational diabetes.